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Thursday, 3 March 2016

Running & Reading

Thanks UKRunChat for sharing another great feature to coincide with World Book DayThe Best Running Books 
The first running related book I read last year was Running With the Kenyans, Adharanand Finn and I was totally captivated. It was hard to put down to go running and when I did I focused on my running style for the first time. Finn's journey to Iten, Kenya the running capital of the world with his family was such a brave move. His investigation to discover why the Kenyan's are so fast, their barefoot running style and his own participation in the gruelling Lewa marathon is not only great reading but also useful info for runners. I have his next book The way of the Runner waiting on the shelf ready to read.
The next book I read was another autobiographical novel by Helen Stothard, It's Just Four Times Round the Village, her personal journey to run her first marathon. The marathon turned out to be the London Marathon and her road there was fraught with injury and illness. It was an enjoyable read on a totally different level to my previous book as here was a complete novice (like me) so it was interesting to hear about the highs and lows she encountered as she trained for the big race.
Right now I'm partway through Born to Run by Christopher McDougall and it's another hard one to put down. Having heard so much about it before I finally picked it up I kind of knew it was a runners reading essential, it's absolutely captivating. From the first few pages you're hooked and like Finn's book there's so much to learn within the story - which also has laugh out loud moments. The book focuses on the authors quest to discover the hidden tribe of ultra runners, the Tarahumara who live and run in the dangerous Copper Canyons of North America. From there he meets running legend Caballo Blanco and as the story develops you are introduced to other well known and talented ultra runners. The book is building up to one of the greatest ultra marathons in which it's hoped McDougall and his companions along with the Taramuhara will compete - but I'm not there yet...
The list shared today by UKRunChat  will now ensure I can keep my running reading going for some time.

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