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Wednesday, 16 March 2016

It's All in the Name

I've decided to change this blogs name so that it fit's with my business and domain titles.
When I decided to return to business I spent ages trying to come up with a new company name as the previous one Missfit Creations held other associations. However, all my deliberating was for nothing as I realised that Missfit still said more about my new business than I'd realised.
Originally, Missfit was alternative, fun and funky clothing with recycled and vintage thrown in to the mix. It was about one off designs, catwalks and photoshoots as well as fashion shows and exhibitions.

After my illness I'd wanted out of that business and having set out on a new healthier, fitter lifestyle myself it seemed appropriate to filter this into a new business.
The other major reason I needed to keep my old identity was the logo, I still loved it and it was a part of where I'd been, why not where I was going. Thanks to Justin Price who designed the logo along with countless other imagery for my original website including the above pic, I was able to keep Missfit and simply drop off Creations.
Missfit says it all, it's a niche business a little on the edge and in it's new guise of course it has a fitness connotation. The logo fit's beautifully with the business, it always had and the safety pin running through the font gives a nod to the punk ethos I started with as well as a reference to sewing.
It therefore seems only right that the blog attached to my website should reflect the identity of the business. I already own the domain and so the switch makes perfect sense.

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